Strengthening Data Science Capacity and the Ecosystem: Enabling Data-Centered Public Health Interventions

Strengthening Data Science Capacity and the Ecosystem: Enabling Data-Centered Public Health Interventions

Category of Opportunity: 
Other Funding

Target group: Researchers in Africa, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and Brazil.

Summary:Data science infrastructure and capacity needs to be proximally focused in the areas where the data emerge, to produce solutions that enable strong evidence-based practices to guide health interventions. The desired outcome of this request for proposals is development of tools and processes that are "fit-for-purpose" to facilitate collaboration among researchers in low- and middle-income countries. This effort is focused on filling data science gaps and challenges whose solutions will address global health problems while fostering multi-disciplinary collaborations among researchers.

Eligibility: Applications are invited from researchers working in healthcare, academia, industry, or research foundations, and will be welcomed from researchers based in any of the following regions: Africa, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and Brazil.
Application requirement: Each proposal should be submitted by one primary applicant, but the awards require the participation of at least two research institutions from the regions listed above and not both in the same country.

Date and time
Application Deadline: 
Thursday, January 13, 2022 - 06:30